
Monday, December 14, 2015

"It's Fashion Scott!"

“It’s fashion Scott, let her wear what she wants.”

I swear to one direction that this was an actual quote from my mother this morning. Like an actual my mother was defending my outfit to school quote. This sounds like every teenage girl’s dream…until you zoom out and realize why this was being said.

I wasn’t trying to go to school in only a bra or spandex-like shorts, but a dress without tights in December. My dad, my lovely, incredible, dad, thought I needed tights or leggings or anything because he was afraid I would freeze.

I was very touched by his concern; I was also rolling my eyes. Luckily, my mom rescued me. 

I was able to wear my dress to school. 

I did not freeze. 

I looked very cute. 

Story concluded (ish). 

This little anecdote brings me to the largest struggle I face during winter months. This struggle comes in the form of fashion. 

I like to think I’m a very fashionable person (but lets be real, I’m not), but that does not stop me from trying. Sadly, trying becomes a lot more difficult in the months December-March. 

The struggle mostly comes from my school’s layout.  To give you some background, the ninth graders (me) are with the eighth graders in a small, should-be-demolished  school called treasure. About a thousand miles away (more like 1000 feet) there is the high school. The nice, newly remodeled high school with functioning heat. 

Us smart kids, have to walk from treasure to the high school every day. It sucks a lot (but that is a whole other rant). Thus, making us walk in the cold, bitter winters everyday. 

Additionally, treasure has zero functioning amenities, including heat. It’s horrible. 

This genius (eye roll) layout, means I freeze indoors for the majority of my classes, freeze outside even more for a seven minute walk, and then promptly over heat in the high school (which has functioning heat).

This situation makes it very hard to dress cutely. One (me) must dress for three very different temperatures without making outfit changes. It’s a real struggle. 

here they come to fix your fashion crisis
(image source:youfashion)
So, when I wake up in the morning I always perplexed on what to wear. There is no middle ground and it’s horrendous.  This is a crime the fashion police must solve. 

If you don’t believe me, reread the first hundred words of this post. The dress my father thinks I will freeze in is a perfect example. Wearing it, I am comfortable in the high school, slightly uncomfortable in treasure, and positively (don’t tell my parents) freezing for seven minutes walking. 

Luckily, I am one hundred percent the type of person who would freeze their legs to look cute. The bad news, my legs got frozen. 

To conclude my (never-ending) winter struggle, I am going to leave you with a piece of advice to those who also struggle: the eighties had the right idea

Lots of Love, 

P.S. I was two hundred percent kidding please don’t wear leg warmers un-ironically.