
Friday, November 20, 2015

AHAH Moments (Alternatively Titled: Why You Shouldn't See Shrek the Musical If You Are Prone To Becoming Emotionally Invested In Things One Should Not Be Emotionally Invested In)

Have you ever had that AHAH moment where you discover something about yourself? Whether it be discovering country music makes you happy (if this is you, I suggest therapy) or that you are really good at drawing anime mouths, the satisfaction of knowing more about yourself is really cool. 

For me, like many things in my life, the AHAH moment isn’t about something nifty, but rather something that could suggest I need therapy (like my plan for if Donald Trump becomes president, one day, maybe I’ll share it as long as you promise NOT to call authorities after). 

My AHAH moment all started last night, when I saw Shrek The Musical. 

It was put on by my high school’s drama club (kudos to all of you!) and I only saw it because a good friend of mine was the third little pig and a guard. She was incredible and I am so glad I went. The play was positively hilarious. 
(image source: Sherk The Musical Blueray)

Although, despite the excellence of everyone involved, what really made me laugh was the Big Bad Wolf. If you’ve ever seen any remix of Shrek, you know the emphasis and humor surrounding the cross dressing wolf. 

It’s a pretty funny emphasis and the subtle humor surrounding the character is really laugh-out-loud funny. 

I know I was definitely laughing-out-loud.

 Last year, my mom and siblings took my grandparents to see Shrek The Musical at the Egyptian Theater. They all said it was hilariously risqué and totally worth going to see. My mom said there was even a FULL song about the big bad wolf’s cross dressing habits!

The cool part of all of this, is the fact I was not expecting the humor to be there. It was a high school production, so I wasn’t anticipating unsubtle dirty jokes to begin with, but where I live, risqué is pretty frowned upon.

So, seeing this lovely humor that I enjoy so much in a the high school production was very, very nice. Although, I totally wish there was more. I think there could be so much character development with the Big Bad Wold and I wish it was explored more. 

Spoiler alert: I’m the person who saw Mission Impossible 5 and complained there wasn’t enough character development and plot. 

Thus, the fact that I wanted to see more of the arguably least interpreted character in all the stories ever is not unlikely. 

The unlikely part, was my AHAH moment. 

My AHAH moment was pretty horrible; I was having feels about Shrek The Musical. Feels as in “a wave of emotions that sometimes cannot be adequately explained” (definition courtesy of Urban Dictionary.)

This is horrible. This is a disaster. This is probably why I need therapy. 

Why is it so bad? 

Because I am literally having emotions for a movie about a bunch of ogres who SHOULD BE MAKING HUMANS RUN AWAY SCREAMING. I am a human yet I am not running and screaming, but actually becoming emotionally invested in Shrek The Musical. 

I don’t want to be emotionally invested in Shrek The Musical. I don’t want to be emotionally invested in half the things I am (One Direction, I’m looking at you), but Shrek The Musical is a whole new deal. 

So, like any sane person would, I started to complain horribly to my mother and friend (not the one in the play). 

The conversation pretty much went like this: 
Shaun: Ahhha no! Woe is my life! What did I do to deserve this?
Friend: (to my mom) Do I respond?
Mom: (to me) Honey, are you okay?
Shaun: No my life is over! I am having emotions about Shrek The Musical! I need character development for the wolf! Aha this cannot be happening!
Friend: Not another Mission Impossible! Shaun, I thought we moved past this issue.
Shaun: (wailing uncontrollably) 
Mom: Then write your own play!
Shaun: But the play I want would make you and dad look at each other and ask where you went wrong!!!
Friend: (unsupportive laughing) 
Mom: But writing it is not doing it! 
Shaun: (wailing uncontrollably and wondering "what is life?")

As you can tell, no one in my life was very supportive of my crisis. They thought it was funny! 

Woe is me! Woe is my life! Woe to the fact I can’t have a normal AHAH moment. 

Lots of Love, 

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