
Saturday, November 7, 2015

Mona Lisa V. Me (Spoiler: I win)

In English class Friday, we talked about the art of blogging. That sounds weird, because blogging seems pretty far from art. For example, compare this 
(image source: Leonardo Da Vinci)
to this blog post, and you’re reconsidering your definition of art. Because, lets be real, Da Vinci has nothing on the poetic words a la me. But, somehow, deep in the topic of art, we got to a topic that actually interested me.

I promise it’s not in a stalker-y way. I wasn’t picturing the color of your eyes as you read this post, the way your eye-white’s become red as you don’t blink (which, is not attractive!) 

But in a cool way, like the way where you’re chill and I appreciate that. I appreciate you (again, in a normal, healthy way. Because, do you know what you are?

Now, before I send you into an existential crisis, I’m gonna answer the question with a simple word. Reader. 

You are a reader. You read tons of things and you like some, you hate some. But, that is not why you being a reader is important. It is important because right now you are currently reading. And you are reading my blog. Which is actually incredible. More than incredible actually, wonderful, spectacular, and amazing. 

Anyways, you became the topic of the discussion. We were asked to write a blurb describing you, and wonderful people, I wanted to share it. Below, you will find what I think of you. 

My reader can be either gender, but I think female is more likely. My name may sound masculine, but my voice is pretty feminine. Age wise, I think at least over the age of thirteen is the only real catch, because what I talk about is very teen orientated. Concerning the topic, my reader could know everything or nothing. My blog is very much about my life and the personal struggles of a teenager. With that, there’s a really big hit or miss idea. Some teens can relate entirely and others could have the opposite problem of what I talk about. I’m not sure what my reader wants to know. It’s pretty stalker-y sounding to say their reading my blog because of me, so I like to think that it’s the relatable problems with a funny voice. It’s really easy to relate to my reader because I write as if I’m talking to my friends. Editing wise, this takes a lot of “likes” and “literally” scanning, but it adds a character to a voice. 

I think it’s pretty important to share this with you. I’m not doing it as just a pat myself on the shoulder, look how cool I a thing, there is an actual agenda.

That agenda, like this blog post, revolves around you. I want to know more about you. I want to know what interests you. So, if you love me like I love you, comment something that interests you. Something you struggle with. Something that your just like “damn, I bet this wacky Shaun has an interesting opinion on this.”

Please, send me your love and ideas.

Lots of Love, 


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