
Sunday, January 31, 2016

In An Ideal World, You Would Be Joey Cosentino

Dear Andrew Smith, 

In the past two months, I have become very acquainted with you. Not in a I’m-a-stalker-and-I-hunt-middle-age-male-authors kind of way, but more of a I-am-in-love-with-your-work-and-then-proceeded-to-stalk-your-blog-in-hopes-of-a-third-book sort of way. 

there is literally hair coming out of his helmet and he look at the points on those shoes
(image source: therugbybowl)
I admire you for many things, one of which is making Joey Cosentino love Ryan Dean West canon, but there are more. I admire your usage of blogger, your wit, and how you somehow made me interested in rugby. 

(The rugby thing is really low-key though, watching the sport makes me queasy.)

My love for Winger and Stand Off is known and my immense affection for everything Joey Cosentino is infinite. 

You (Andrew Smith) reading my blog is probably a really large ego boost. You’re welcome for that. 

But, as you are a talented author and I am a sort-of-funny teenage girl, theres not much you can get out of reading my blog. Maybe thats why I choose you for my ideal reader. There is really nothing I can do for you, unless you want to write a novel from the perspective of anxious teenage girl. 

But that probably won’t sell, so don’t write a novel about me. 

What would sell though, is a third installment in the universe of Winger. 

Which is really all I hope you could get from, reading my blog: inspiration to write a third installment. 

This hypothetical third installment should be written from Joey Cosentino’s perceptive. 

Imagine how great that would be; I can already see my tears. 

Imagine the thousands of readers satisfaction of reading the story Winger form Joey Cosentino’s perspective. There is so much potential my blog can’t handle it! 

For starters, THINK ABOUT THE BROTHER INTERACTION!! THINK ABOUT SEEING NICO BEFORE HE WAS TAKEN OUT OF SCHOOL? Also does Joey Cosentino like to surf? Or maybe enjoy a refreshing glass of buttermilk? Where did he learn to play poker? Or how did he get into the O-Hall?

If you haven’t noticed, I really, really want to know more about Joey Cosentino. 
Before I start crying because of all the possibilities, let’s go to another reason I admire you. 

Your blog. 

I have a blog too, but it isn’t nearly as cool as yours. In 2009, you posted 369 blog posts! That is more than one post a day. I’m lucky if I get one post a month. 

Tell me your ways!! How are you so motivated to scream to the internet. 

But, in 2015 you slowed down. It made looking for information about Winger very difficult. 

But, since I am 100% not a stalker, I noticed something in one of your blog posts. It was a name.  A name I am familiar with. I really need to know why this name made it onto one of your lists. 

The name was Annie Altman. 

I miss Annie Altman (probably because she is in Winger and Stand Off and my sixth favorite character in the series). 

I hope that Ryan Dean West (and by extension, Joey Cosentino) are involved in why you mentioned Annie Altman. 

Thank you for your time Andrew Smith. I always have a soft spot for wasting important peoples time. 

Love to those who have read Winger, 

P.S in an ideal world, Joey Cosentino would be my ideal reader, but alas, his author will do 

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