
Friday, April 15, 2016

Aesthetic Purposes For Buying A Kitchen Table And Other "What Nots" For Birthday Presents

I love birthdays. 

Like a lot, a lot. 

I literally have a birthday everyday on my calendar. 

(Okay the sentence above may sound weird, to clarify, I do NOT celebrate my birthday nearly everyday of the calendar year. I am talking about other people’s birthdays.)

I love everything about celebrating someone else’s birthday. Mostly my friends, like good friends.  Celebrating my good friends birthday is incredible!!! 


Well, dear reader, to explain my unexplainable passion for celebrating birthdays, I will create a chronological list of paragraphs in the very blog post you are reading now. It will be epic, trust me. 

Firstly, I love buying my friends presents. 

It’s so cool and loads of fun! I suggest you try it, you may feel lots of giddiness and regret you can’t buy them a bed or maybe this kitchen table that fits their aesthetic. It will be so much fun! 

Also, in this gift buying process, you get to pick out a funny card! 

Fun fact: I like to get my friends two cards, one with a shitty drawing by me with a heart filled message and one store bought cheesy, hilarious card that usually reminds them of getting old.  It’s real fun; 10/10 would recommend. 

After you buy the gift, dear reader, you get the joy of wrapping the gift. You get to pick out fun wrapping paper or tissue paper that matches the color scheme of your gift and place the gift in a bag. I also really love finding the perfect ribbon to tie the bag shut.

The only downside of this, is once you have a perfectly wrapped gift (or sometimes before depending on your level of impatience) you will take millions of pictures. And then, once the pictures are taken, you feel the compelling urge to send them to your friend. 

Except your friend is the one receiving the gift. And if you spoil the that gift you will be giving, you are a new type of horrible. 

So, dear reader, for however long it is between the completion of the wrapping and the actual birthday of your friend, you must wait and bite your lip and try not to squeal on how awesome their gift is. 
The next part of the fun comes when you watch your friend upward the gift. It is great to see their face when they like the gift! Also, the sound of ripping wrapping paper is oddly satisfying. 

But reader, please remember not to squeal and scream when your friend is unwrapping this gift, it may cause alarming looks when you are in public. 

The last part of the gift giving process that I love comes a year latter. 

The immense happiness of seeing the candle you gave your friend on the desk, well used, or the tee shirt you bought them actually being worn nearly a year after it was given is so incredible. I honestly love it so much I can’t put it into words. So, just trust me on this one. 

Okay, now that I sound like a materialistic fool, let me explain some of the more less gift giving and more love giving aspects of celebrating a birthday. 
Me @ my friends
(image source: pinterest

Firstly, in the morning when you type out the birthday text is fun. Then their reaction is fun. There are usually lots of emojis. And (the slightly less fun part of this process, depending on who you are) is when your friend finally gets annoyed from how much you text them asking how their birthday is going. 

But its okay, because the annoyance stems from love and you usually get a hug next time you see them. So it’s all good. 

Also there’s lots of joy of looking through all of the photos of the two of you to find the perfect birthday post pic. Like I literally get so much joy out of finding the most embarrassing/funny picture its not even funny.The you get to type out a silly message! More love to your friend, much fun, much love. 

Next, when you actually see them in person its so cool! Because they never actually look older, so it seems kind of weird we are celebrating their age, but then you forget and go right back to celebrating. 

Tip: don’t let thoughts on how weird western culture is distract you while you are celebrating a birthday. It never ends well. 

And lastly, the best part of celebrating a friend’s birthday is seeing how much they are smiling when the day is over. The joy you helped bring is all over their face. It’s a pretty satisfying feeling. 20/10 would recommend. 

In conclusion, I love birthdays so much. Like so so so much. 

Peace out, 

Probably celebrating someone’s birthday, Shaun 

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