
Wednesday, April 27, 2016

An Informal Thank You Filled With Personal Growth

Dear Readers,

This is an informal thank you post. A “I’m so glad someone read this besides my teacher” post. This is also the last graded post (which unfortunately means, most likely last post ever). Right 
now I have over 700 page views on my entire blog. That’s pretty sick for an English assignment. 

I would also like to give a shout out to those nine countries (not including the US) who have viewed my blog. This is a serious shout out to Poland, who has accounted for 30 of my page views. The only country that has a higher traffic rate is the US. Go Poland!

So thank you so much. I have enjoyed rambling to you and being used as a source in some English
this blog was only 50% propaganda
(image source: tumblr blog)
project some eighth graders did. I have enjoyed using this blog as propaganda and spoiling the best book ever (I’m still upset about Winger, there’s no going back). I hope one of you 700 learned something from me, because I have certainly learned a lot from doing this. 

When I started this blog, it was the beginning of ninth grade. It was a mess. A large mess. I mean if anyone read my Who? Me page than you know what a mess I was. It’s cringe worthy to read. 

But, despite the cringe worthiness, it’s kind of cool to see how much better my narrative writing has gotten. That’s pretty cool. I feel like I have really learned a lot on how to tell a story through this project. 

(Okay, I may have developed an unfortunate habit of using parenthesis and lists, but nobody’s perfect).

Also, I think this project has helped me learn to condense my thoughts. At first, the word limit of 500 seemed ridiculous. That’s like 1/16 of my usual ramble. Yet, here I am only going over the word limit by 500 words. That’s pretty impressive, because I used to cut thousands of words out of my blog posts. 

That’s pretty cool. I mean, I still have a problem with rambling (who writes a four page long ted talk? a crazy person? probably? yes, for sure? did the crazy person realize how hard it is to memorize four pages of ramble? no). But I’m getting somewhere. And I have admitted the problem and started working towards it so I’m at like step three on the road to recovery. 

Anyways, now, I am a totally different person. Which is pretty cool, because growth is important. I am in a pretty good place. That’s exciting. Like right now, I am approaching 500 words and about to write the conclusion. This is so much personal growth I amazed. 

So thank you. Thank you for helping me complete this English project with my sanity intact. Thank you for allowing me to grow and develop and learn to control my rambling. It’s pretty cool. 

Adios mis amigos. 

Peace out (for the last time),


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